IAB Connected Commerce Summit: Retail Reimagined
September 17-18, 2024
Convene 225 Liberty, NYC
IAB Connected Commerce Summit: Retail Reimagined
If you’re attending the IAB’s second annual Connected Commerce Summit: Retail Reimagined, you’re already ahead of the curve.
The retail media landscape is changing faster than ever before, and it’s never been more important to stay knowledgeable and flexible. The good thing is that attending events like these AND working with a company like SEBPO can help you do just that.
In this year’s Connected Commerce Summit, you’ll immerse yourself in the rise of commerce media and new marketplaces. You’ll explore and discover the latest trends in data collaboration, integrating technology across platforms, and creating engaging, seamless consumer experiences.
But what happens when you get home? Will you have the bandwidth and ability to implement some of the valuable insights and practices learned at “Retail Reimagined?”
That’s where SEBPO comes in. We’re at the same shows, gaining the same insights. We understand the industry and what you need to reach that next level. It’s our sole job to help you do yours more efficiently. We optimize your processes and provide you with the bandwidth to not only handle the constant ebb and flow of the e-commerce and retail space but also keep you 100% laser-focused on growing your business.
SEBPO can securely manage your data, products, customer needs, customer support queues, and operations. Click here to discover the many ways we assist our e-commerce and retail clients.
Looking for something more specific? Click here to read a quick case study about how SEBPO recently assisted a Retail Media client to quickly and efficiently scale to new regions.
Ready to dive in and learn a bit more about how SEBPO can help your business? Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our team members while you’re at Retail Imagined. Click the profiles below to connect with our Director of Sales, Morten Revsbech, and our VP of Sales, Jake Latta.
SEBPO Faces at the Event
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Fill out the form below and a member of our team will help you schedule a time to meet during the event with a friendly and fun SEBPO representative or answer your question.