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The Evolution of Business Productivity

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Step Inside Our Innovation Process

Innovation Brainstorming

SEBPO is constantly looking for ways to help our clients streamline their processes to save time and money. An innovation brainstorm can be requested anytime, and we have started implementing these sessions in our ongoing client relationships. Our experts can utilize automation and other technologies to outline your current processes and find ways to become more efficient.

Identify Opportunities for Improvement

Since we work with clients across various service verticals, we are uniquely experienced in identifying potential process inefficiencies. We also work with leading technology providers so we have our finger on the pulse of the latest industry innovations.  
Once a process inefficiency is identified by a client or a member of our team, the next step is to bring in our experts to help outline a way to solve it using automation and other innovative processes and technologies.

a Solution

Once we have homed in on a problem that can be solved through automation or process reengineering, we create a team of subject matter experts to provide critical insight into potential solutions.

These experts then meet with the team doing the actual work to study the process and discover ways to automate or re-engineer the workflow.

Building and
Testing Solutions

Once we have identified the problem, we will use the resources at our disposal to create or modify an existing technology to fit our needs. Once that solution has been defined and created, we already have teams of experts at the ready in all the key areas needed to test, QA, and create a path to implement it.

Once the automation has been tested, the data has been reviewed, and the solution has been proven viable, it will be presented to the client. Once the tool or new process has been approved, we would then roll out the automation into a real-world environment for further testing, data collection, and eventual implementation.

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